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Coronet Books
Current Developments in European Integration: Financial Services / Transport Policy
Freight Transport: At Any Price?
Effects of Transport Costs on Book & Newspaper Supply Chains in the Netherlands
Integrating Eco-Efficiency in Rail Vehicle Design
Modeling Route Choice Behavior in Multimodal Transport Networks
Modelling Passenger Flows in Public Transport Facilities
Multiclass Continuum Modelling of Multilane Traffic Flow
Navigation and Mobile Telecommunications Technologies for
European Road Freight Operations in the Late 1990s
Policy Integration in Practice: The integration of land use planning,
transport & environmental policymaking in Denmark, England & Germany
Railtracks in the Sky: "New" Labour, Air Transport Deregulation and the Competitive Market
Soft Values of Seaports:
A Strategy for the Restoration of Public Support for Seaports
Transport Crisis in Britain
Transportation Modelling for Tomorrow