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Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: Revivalist of an Intellectual Tradition
Analysis of Mind
Ancient Philosophy
Anonymous Skeptics
Awakening From Nihilism
Becoming Valuable Selves
Bonhoeffer's Intellectual Formation: Theology & Philosophy in His Thought
Buddhism in Perspective
Can a Consequentialist Be a Real Friend? (Who Cares?)
Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of Madhyamika System
Changing How We Live: Society From the Bottom Up
Cleanthes’ Hymn to Zeus: Text, Translation & Commentary
Critique of Epistemological Reason
Decline of Buddhism in India: A Fresh Perspective
Development of Nyaya Philosophy & its Social Context
Dictionary of Oriental Philosophy
Displacements of Deconstruction: The Deconstruction
of Metaphysics of Presence, Meaning, Subject & Method
Ecofeminism & Environmental Ethics: An Analysis of Ecofeminist Ethical Theory
Essay on the Foundations of Geometry
Ethical Theories in Islam
Ethics Beyond Finitude
Ethics in the Mahanharata
Ethics Without God
Exploring the Structure of Emptiness
Fate, Predestination and Human Action in the Mahabharta
Feminist Ethics: Perspectives, Problems & Possibilities
Feminist Thought: Androcentrism, Communication & Objectivity
Form and Philosophy in Sándor Weöres' Poetry
From Conceivability:
An Essay in Modal Epistemology
From Dualism to Non-Dualism
Global Signifigance of Concrete Humanity
Good Death: On the Value of Death & Dying
Has Man a Future?
Head and Hand in Ancient Greece
Hinduism & Buddhism, 3 Volume Set
History of Ancient Philosophy
History of Buddhist Thought
History of Philosophy
History of Yoga
Inquiry into Meaning & Truth
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
Introduction to the Philosophy of Trika Saivism
Irony & Religious Belief
Johan Ihre on the Origin and History of the Runes
Karma, Causation and Retributive Morality
Knowledge, Truth & Realism: Essays in Philosophical Analysis
Labyrinth of Solitude, 2 vol. set
Leading with Wisdom
Lectures on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
Let the People Think
Libertarianism & Potential Agents
Life of Bertrand Russell in Pictures and in His Own Words
Logic & Knowledge: Essays 1901-1950
Logic Matters in the Prasannapada
Man and His Becoming
Mashsha'i Philosophical System
Materialism & Immaterialism in India & the West
Medieval Philosophy
Mind in Early Buddhism
Moden Philosophy
My Philosophical Development
Mysticism & Logic
Nature of Philosophy
Nietzsche & the Philosophy of Pessimism
Nyaya Sutras of Gotama
Obscure Language, Unclear Literature:
Theory & Practice from Quintilian to the Enlightenment
On the Daimonion of Socrates
On the Nature of Time
Paksata: The Nature of Inferential Locus
Paradox of Being Human
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: with the commentary of Vyasa & the gloss of Vachaspati Misra
Persistence of Christian Realism
Perspectives on Consciousness
Philosophical & Practical Aspects of Kasmira Saivism
Philosophical Foundation of Bengal Vaisnavism
Philosophical Foundations of Hinduism
Philosophy & Philosophers
Philosophy of Leibniz
Philosophy of Nikunja Vihari Banerjee
Philosophy of Numbers
Philosophy of Science & Mathematics
Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita: A Study Based on the
Evaluation of the Commentaries of Samkara, Ramanuja & Madhva
Philosophy of the Upanisads
Philosophy through Literature: The Cognitive Value of Philosophical Fiction
Physics from Wholeness: Dynamical Totality as a Conceptual Foundation for Physical Theories
Popper Versus Einstein: On the Philisophical Foundations of Physics
Rabindranath Tagore, Builders of Indian Philosophy Series
Religion, Reality, & a Good Life: A Philosophical Approach to Religion
Religious Apologetics - Philosophical Argumentation
Samkhya Philosophy
Sankhya Aphorisms of Kapila: with Extracts from Vijnanabhiksu's Commentary
Self as World: The New Emerson
Signified World
Spirit of Revolt
Spiritual Humanism & Economic Wisdom
Studies in Logic
Study of Time in Indian Philosophy
Support, Resistance & Pragmatism: An Examination of Motivation in Language Policy in Kharkiv, Ukraine
Towards a Phenomenology of Repression
T.R.V. Murti, Builders of Indian Philosophy Series
Transcendental Non-Dualism of Trika Saivism
Two Wings of Wisdom
Universe of Acharya Sushil Muni: The Philosophy of the World Religion
Vedanta-Parijata-Saurabha of Nimbarka
& Vedanta-Kaustubha of Srinivasa [3 Volumes]
Vijnana Bhairava
Vishnu: A Step Toward the Infinite