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Coronet Books
Alkali Wastelands Environment & Reclamation
Arctic and Alpine Mycology, Volume 5
Biodiversity & Ecological Status Along the Northern Coast of the Sea of Okhotsk
Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains
Biodiversity Conservation in Asean
Biodiversity in the Balance
Biodiversity of Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria & Greece)
Biodiversity of Shabla Lake System
Biodiversity of the Caucasus Ecoregion
Biodiversity of the Srebarna Biosphere Reserve
Biodiversity, Environment & Sustainability
Biosphere Reserves in Poland
Boreal Forest of Canada & Russia
Bulgarian Antarctic Research: Life Sciences, Volume 4
Change in Ecology and Biodiversity After a Nuclear Disaster in the Southern Urals
Climate Change
Coastal Zone Management
Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Environmental Health
Conservation and the Countryside
Control of Nitrogen Removal in Activated Sludge Processes
Crocker Range: National Park Sabah, Vol. 1: Natural Ecosystem & Species Components
Crocker Range: National Park Sabah, Vol. 2: Socio-Cultural & Human Dimension
Cultural Property Risk Analysis: Development & Application
to Preventive Conservation at the Canadian Museum of Nature
Depleted Uranium: Deadly, Dangerous & Indiscriminate
Development & Potentials of Ecotourism on Balkan Peninsula [3 Volume Set]
Developmental Dynamics of Virgin Forest Reserves
in the Czech Republic, Volume 1 [with Map Inserts]
Down to Earth
Down to Earth II
Eco-Environment & Global Biodiversity, 2 volume set
Ecological Resources
Ecological Specificity of Amphibian Populations:
Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, Vol. 7
Ecology of the City of Sofia: Species & Communities in an Urban Environment
Elephants and Ivory
Encyclopedia of Environmental Laws in India, 3 volumes
This encyclopaedia on environmental laws are designed to introduce those without any legal or
special scientific training to the system through which the nation attempte to preserve and
protect the different aspects of our environment.
Energy Laws
Environmental Degradation & Protection, 2 volume set
Environmental Education
Environmental Laws
Enviromental Management
Epikarst - A Promising Habitat: Copepod Fauna, Its Diversity
& Ecology: A Case Study from Slovenia (Europe)
Fishing for Solutions
Floating Nuclear Power Plants in Russia, 3rd Ed.
Global Greens, Global Governance
Global Warming
Global Warming:
Myth or Reality?
December 2008
Global Warming & Our Natural Duties of Justice
Global Warming in 21st Century
Green Goods?
Health of the Environment
Important Bird Areas in the Czech Republic
Land Management
Long Range Air Pollution: From Models to Policies
Looking at Birds in Kyrgyz Republic Central Asia
[In English & Russian]
Makhteshim Country: A Laboratory of Nature
Natural Hazards & Disaster Management
Natural Resources Conservation & Management
Overfishing: The Icelandic Solution
Population Biology of Ice-Associated Forms of Seals and Their Role in the Northern Pacific Ecosystems
Priorities for Russia's National Environmental Policy
Reforming Land-Use Planning
Save the Cranes
Saving our Streams
Socialism and the Environment
Species & Communities in Extreme Environments
In the present collection of papers, some of Y. I. Chernov's students or followers
attempt to reflect upon a number of the synecological and biogeographical paradigms he advanced.
Sustainable Development of Deltas
Sustainable Resource Management, 2 volume set
Threatened Animals of Bulgaria
Tropical Rain Forest
Water Pollution & Its Control
Waterbirds of Bourgas Wetlands:
Results and Evaluation of the Monthly Waterbird Monitoring 1996 - 2002
Wetlands in Russia, Volume 1
Wetlands in Russia, Volume 2
Wild Mammals of Wisconsin
Wild in Woods
Zoogeography of Bulgaria Bibliography [In Bulgarian & English]
Zoologia Neocaledonica 5: Systematique et Endemisme en Nouvellu-Caledonie