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War or Peace in the Middle East?
Edited By Peggy Duff
December 1978
ISBN: 0-85124-213-8
202 pages, 5 ½" x 8 ¾"
$29.50 hardcover
The road to a settlement and obstacles in the way. This book, though written in 1978, still contains relevant analyses of the dangerous impasse in the Middle East by seven writers with unique knowledge and experience of the region: Noam Chomsky, the outspoken critic of US policy. Lord Caradon, former British Ambassador to the UN who has 40 years' experience in the area. Claude Bourdet, French writer and journalist. Sa'id Hammani, PLO representative in London. Daniel Amit, Professor of Physics at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. William Blakemore, an American journalist with long experience in the Levant. Peggy Duff, General Secretary of the International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace which documented the problems of the Middle East for years. The writers assess the case for an independent Palestinian state in the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, the ways in which it could lead to a lasting peace, and the danger that, without it, a new and bloodier war is likely.
Politics; History