Return to Coronet Books main pageWetlands in Russia, Volume 2
Important PeatlandsEdited by M.S.Botch; translated by I.E. Kamennova
December 2000
Wetlands International
ISBN: 90-5882-002-5
90 pages, illustrated; 8.25" x 10.25"
$62.50 paper original
Peatlands are a predominant feature in most landscape types that cover the extensive area of the Russian Federation. According to some estimations, peatlands occupy 161 million hectares in Russia. The Conference of the Contracting Partings to the Convention on Wetlands have recognized peatlands as an under-represented wetland type in the global network of protected wetland sites. This volume contains information on 51 important peatland sites, with a total area of over 8 million ha. Information is provided in accordance with the Ramsar Information Sheet.Environmental Science
Wetlands International Global Series, No. 2