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Edited By Bill Bourne, Udi Eichler, et al.
December 1987
ISBN: 0-85124-491-2
105 pages, 5 ¾" x 9"
$39.50 hardcover
One of the most interesting voices of our time has been that of Sigmund Freud. But 100 years after Freud invented psychoanalysis, there is still fierce controversy about the importance of his ideas. The discussions in this book examine Freud's impact on our culture and values and look at how psychoanalysis has changed since Freud's death in 1939, both as a clinical practice and as a body of theories. What emerges is a debate about psychoanalysis as it is today, inside and outside the consulting room. Contents: Introduction. Freud: For or Against? Psychoanalysis: The Impossible Profession? Psychoanalysis: Truth or Science? Psychoanalysis: What do Women Want? Psychoanalysis After Freud.