Turkistan [2 Volumes]
Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan,
Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja
By Eugene Schuyler
May 2004
Reprint of the 1876 Edition, London
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 81-215-1107-0
895 pages, Illustrated, 5 ¾" x 8 ¾"
$97.50 Hardcover
Eugene Schuyler, who was Secretary of the American Legation at St. Petersburgh, traveled extensively in Russian Central Asia and provides in this monumental work an exceptionally detailed description of the regions through which he traveled. He gives accounts of the economic, political and religious and social conditions, as well as detailed descriptions of places of worship, habits of dress and local languages.
"The Chief aim of my journey in Central Asia was to study the political and social condition of the regions which had been recently annexed by Russia, as well as to compare the state of the inhabitants under Russian rule with that of those still living under the despotism of the Khans."
-- Eugene Schuyler.
Contents include: The Steppe, The Syr Darya, Tashkent, Mussulman Life in Tashkent, The Bazaars and Trade, Samarkand, The Zarafshan Valley, Hodjent and Kurma, Khokand, Bukhara, Issyk Kul and Semiretch, Kuldja, The Russian Administration, The Russian Foreign Policy in Asia, The Khivan Campaign and its Consequences.
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