Troubled Transitions
Social Variation & Long-Term Trends
in Health & Mortality in Estonia
Health Equity Studies, No. 2

By Mall Leinsalu
July 2004
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 9122020624
146 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¼" x 9 ½"
$65.00 Paper Original

This is a Ph.D. thesis. Estonia has seen a long-term stagnation in life expectancy, together with increasing social and ethnic differences in mortality in the 1990s. Leinsalu examines the social pattern of self-rated health and cause-specific mortality, and their change over the period of political, social and economic transition in the 1990s. History and present circumstances together shape the peculiar pattern of health and survival in Estonia.

The analysis is based on national mortality data (1965-2000) and data from the Estonian Health Interview Survey (1996/1997). Contents include: Introduction, Previous studies on social differences in health, The aim of this thesis, Data sources, definitions and rationale, Estonia's transitions, Long-term trends in all-cause and cause-specific mortality, Social differences in self-rated health, Increasing social differences in cause-specific mortality, Towards an explanation, Conclusions.


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