Structure & Dynamics of Lithium in Anatase TiO2
Study of Interstitial Li-ion Intercalation
in Anatase TiO2 at the Atomic Level

By Marnix Wagemaker
January 2003
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2378-8
150 pages, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$54.00 Paper Original


Contents of this doctoral dissertation include: Introduction, Techniques, theory & methods, Two-phase morphology & lithium interstitial diffusion in anatase TiO2, Lithium diffusion between nano-crystalline phases in intercalated anatase TiO2, Li-ion dynamics of discrete intra-octahedron position in lithiated anatase TiO2, Ti EXAFS and XANES in lithiated anatase TiO2, In-situ neutron reflectometry on Li intercalation in thin film anatase TiO2, and Summary.


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