State Intervention in Industry, 2nd Edition
A Worker's Inquiry
By Coventry Trades Council et al.
December 1982
ISBN: 0-85124-367-3
215 pages, 5 ½" x 8 ¾"
$42.50 hardcover
Who benefits from state intervention in industry? This is the question asked by four trades councils in one of the first inquiries of its kind. All too often we assume the state intervention in industry under a Labour government can only be a good thing, but the experiences of workers and communities at the receiving end of these policies present a different story, one of high expectations turning sour.
Acknowledged by many to be crucially important when the first edition was published in 1980, State Intervention in Industry is vital reading for all socialists, trade unionists, and community activists.
Contents: Preface to second edition. Preface. Introduction. Party policies. Government policies. Expectations. Realities. Opposition. Conclusion. Appendices. Includes bibliography.
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