Simulation Integrated Design for Logistics
By Hans P.M. Veeke
October 2003
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2417-2
262 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2" x 9 ½"
$69.50 Paper Original
This is a Ph.D. thesis. The design of an innovative logistic system is a complex problem in which many different disciplines are involved. Each discipline developed its own way of conceptual modelling for a logistic system based on a mono disciplinary perception. It usually leads to a communication problem between the different disciplines and consequently to expectations of the performance that don't correspond with reality. In this thesis a basic system approach is used to define a conceptual model of a logistic system that can be used by all disciplines involved as a common reference of the design. A combination of a soft and a hard systems approach leads to a conceptual model in which the problem is formulated in terms of required performances and process structures. The logisitic system is modeled as a structure of functions around three flows: orders, products and resources. The model evolves during the design project and is an enduring supporting tool for decision making with a clear relation to the systems objectives. This process-performance model is formulated in interdisciplinary terms and thereby enables the communication between different disciplines.
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