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Sancta Birgitta
[In English and Latin languages]
Revelaciones: Book II

Edited by Carl-Gustaf Undhagen and Birger Bergh
December 2000
Almqvist & Wiksell International
ISBN: 91-7402-313-6
128 pages
$49.00 paper original

The present volume contains the first critical edition of the Latin text of St. Birgitta's (1303-73) Revelations, Book II. The edition is based on a collation of eleven selected MSS. which, in the editions of other Revelations books, have proved to be of high quality. In one of the introductory chapters, the relationships between these MSS. are accounted for. The reconstructed archetype of the MSS. is analyzed in detail in a chapter on textual criticism. Contents include: Preface. Bibliography. The Manuscripts. Principles of Edition. Textual Criticism. Glossary. Index nominum. Index anonymorum.

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