The Sacred Land of the Getae
By Diana Gergova
December 2004
Bulgarian Bestseller - National Bulgarian Museum of Bulgarian Books & Polygraphy
ISBN: 9549308545
84 pages, Illustrated, 7 ¾" x 10 ½"
$43.50 Paper Original
Contents include: The Magic of Sboryanovo, Zalmoxis: the Strange of the Getae, Dausdava: the Cult Centre, The Milky Way: the Road to Immortality, The Tombs Temples of the Getic Kings, Politics and Marriages, The City of Helis, The Sanctuaries and the Priests, Dausdava in the Centuries after Christ, The Bulgarian "Hundred Mounds", Jesus Christ is Victorious, Hand Over Heart: the Kazilhashis, The Future.
About the Author: Diana Gergova is a Senior Research Associate from the Archaeological Institute with Museum with the Bulgarian Academy Sciences, is a specialist in the field of Thracian archaeology, archaeology of cult and burial rituals, comparative, interdisciplinary and archaeometric methods, and cultural heritage.
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