Sanskrit Reader
Text & Vocabulary & Notes
By Charles Rockwell Lanman
July 2004
Reprinted from the 1884 Edition
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 8121511267
421 pages, Illustrated, 5 ¾" x 8 ¾"
$37.50 Hardcover
This reader is designed to serve as an introduction to the subject for the students and to provide knowledge of Sanskrit to the teachers of high schools, academies and colleges. The work helps to correct some of the false notions which are prevalent respecting the relations of Sanskrit to other languages of the Indo-European family.
It also keeps saving the literature from undue depreciation and from exaggerated praise. The author has made selections from various Sanskrit writings keeping two aims in mind: firstly to provide abundant material for thorough drill in the language of classical period; and secondly, to furnish a brief introduction to the works of the Vedic period, Mantra, Brahmana and Sutra best suited for beginners.
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