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Samaritan Scribes & Manuscripts
By Alan D. Crown
April 2001
J.C.B. Mohr, Germany
ISBN: 3-16-147490-2
568 Pages, Illustrated
$215.00 hardcover
The author presents a standard reference source for handling Samaritan manuscripts. The reader will be able to apply the criteria here to the evaluation of whatever data can be retrieved from any dated Samaritan manuscripts. Contents include: Abbreviations & Symbols. Samaritan Literature & its Manuscripts. The Codicology of Samaritan Manuscripts. Morphology of Paper-a Diachronic profile. Prices and Values. Samaritan Majuscule Palaeography-11th to 20th Century. Problems in Epigraphy & Palaeography. Manuscripts, Cast Type & Samaritan Palaeography. Bindings-A Chronological Survey. Index of Samaritan Scribes. Rate of Writing & the Manuscript Production of Samaritan Scribes. Columnar Writing & the Masorah. Bibliography. Index of Authors & Persons. Index of Sources. Subject Index.
Religious History; Judaism
Texts & Studies in Ancient Judaism, No. 80