Role of Aromatization of Androgens
in Oestrogens & of the Oestrogen
Receptors in the Development &
Maintenance of the Male Skeleton
A Study in Rats & Mice

By Liesbeth Vandenput
December 2002
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-271-9
122 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/4" x 9 1/2"
$51.50 Paper Original

Contents of this Doctoral Dissertation include: Basic aspects of sex steroid receptors and androgen action on bone, Clinical aspects of androgen action on bone, Aims and purpose of the study, Administration of sex steroids and sex steroid receptor antagonists, the Oestrogen receptor antagonist does not impair the bone-sparing effects of testosterone in the young orchidectomized rat-model, Dose-response study of testosterone on bone and body composition in the aged orchidectomized male rat-model, Testosterone prevents orchidectomy-induced bone loss in oestrogen receptor-alpha knockout mice, Testicular feminized male mice are partially resistant to testosterone action on bone.

Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia No. 274

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