
A Federmesser Camp on the
Meuse River Bank, 2 Volumes

By Marc De Bie & Jean-Paul Caspar
December 2000
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-011-2
595 Pages, Illustrated
$215.00 hardcover set

By combining various research methods, the authors present a reconstruction of prehistoric life in one of the largest Palaeolithic camp sites excavated in NW Europe (near Maastricht) situated on the left bank of the river Meuse. Following excavation and the mapping of some 25,000 stone artifacts, the 13,000-year-old assemblage has been subjected to a range of laboratory analysis.

Topics include: Research at Rekem, Late Palaeolithic in the Benelux, Site Analysis, Fieldwork, Chronology & Environment, Non-Flint Rocks & Minerals, Flint Knapping & Reduction Methods, Tool Manufacture, Use & Typology, Spatial Analysis, Conclusions, Bibliography, Tables, Figures, Plates, Fold Out Maps, Annexes. The set contains 115 plates and 154 maps.

Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia Monographiae, No. 10

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