Resources & Relative Deprivation

Analysing Mechanisms Behind
Income, Inequality & Ill-Health

By Monica Aberg Yngwe
November 2005
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 9122021094
130 pages, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$67.50 Paper Original

This Ph.D. dissertation in the field of public health sciences aims at analyzing the relation between income and health, focusing on the mechanisms of absolute and relative income within this relation. Welfare state and social policy is likely to have importance for health, for example by reducing the importance of market income explaining social inequalities in health. Still, even in more egalitarian welfare states we do find a clear relation between income and health.

A more specific focus of the thesis is on mechanisms of purchasing power, income position and relative deprivation, both related to a reference group and to the individuals own preferences, seems to be one plausible explanation behind the income and health relation especially for individuals at higher income levels.

Health Equity Studies, No. 5

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