Psalm 118 in the Gospel of John
An Intertextual Study on the New
Exodus Pattern in the Theology of John

By Andrew C. Brunson
August 2003
Mohr Siebeck
ISBN: 3-16-147990-4
464 pages, 6 1/4" x 9 1/4"
$118.00 Paper Original

The author examines the presence and function of Ps 118 in the Gospel of John, placing particular emphasis on its interpretation in a New Exodus context which has previously not been developed in the Fourth Gospel. Contents include: Introduction, Psalm 118 in its Jewish setting, Psalm 118 in the Synoptic Gospel, the Broader context of John's use of Ps 118, Psalm in the Entrance Narrative, the Coming One, Re-reading the Entrance, "Abraham rejoiced…": Ps 118 in John 8.56, the Door: Ps 118 in John 10.7-10, Two additional allusions, and Conclusion.

Wissenscaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. No. 158

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