Poverty in Burkina Faso
Representations & Realities
By Sten Hagberg
November 2001
Uppsala University
ISBN: 91-506-1516-5
125 pages, Illustrated, 5 ¾ x 8 ¼"
$23.50 Paper Original
This innovative study differs from the bulk of poverty studies by adopting an anthropological perspective and addressing poverty as contextual, situational and relational. It scrutinizes people's perceptions of what it means to be poor and how poverty is best alleviated in Burkina Faso. This study highlights the importance of addressing representations and realities of poverty in socially and culturally specific contexts, situations and relations.
Topics include: poverty assessment; Banfora Region ( mobility & money); Reo Region (forests & people); Dori Region (Herds & Droughts); Quagadougou Region ( the politics of urban land); Rural livelihoods & the environment; economics & political reforms; decentralization; education & training; health & social services; individual & household levels; networks; socio-political institutions; national & international programs.
Uppsala-Leuven Research in Cultural Anthropology
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