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Philosophical Foundations of Hinduism
The Vedas, the Upanisads and the Bhagavadgita:
A Reinterpretation and Critical Appraisal
By R.S. Misra
September 2002
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 81-215-0991-2![](../bookcovers/8121509912.JPG)
649 pages, 5 3/4" x 8 3/4"
$67.50 hardcover
Philosophy and religion were never kept apart from each other in Indian philosophical tradition. The Vedas, the Upanisads and the Bhagavadgita provide strong and unshakable philosophical foundations to Hinduism. In the present book, Dr. Misra has made a reinterpretation of the religious and philosophical thought of these sacred and immortal works. It has been found necessary in order to dispel the misinterpretations of Hinduism and meet the challenges that confront it today at the ideological and practical levels. The concepts of the Absolute, Brahman, of man and the world, the destiny of man and other fundamental issues have been discussed with great clarity, thoroughness and depth. The author has brought into clear focus the unique features of Hinduism and its intellectual depth and spiritual grandeur. A distinguishing feature of the present work that the fundamental ideas of Hinduism have been compared with that of other religions, specially, Christianity and with the great idealistic tradition of the West. The author has also made a critical analysis and evaluation of some current ideas of contemporary Western thought. The present work provides ample evidence of the author's conceptual ability, originality and intellectual integrity.
Hinduism, Philosophy