Petrus Vladeraccus Tobias (1598)
[In English & Latin]Edited by Michiel Verweij
December 2001
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-177-1
191 pages
$60.00 paper original
Preface. Praefatio. List of general works of reference. List of abbreviations of comedies referred in the commentary. Introduction. Petrus Vladeraccus: his life and works. The Tobias (1598). Inventio. Dispositio. Elocutio. Productio et editio. Tobias. Prolegomena. Full title of the 's-Hertogenbosch 1598 edition. Motto. Dedicatory letter. Commendatory poems. Gulielmus Vennius. Nicolaus Bardoul. Tobias. Commentary. Indices.
Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia, Vol. XVII
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