Past & the Future in the Present
Kenyan Adult Immigrants' Stories on
Orientation & Adult Education in Sweden
By Joyce Kemuma
November 2000
Uppsala University
ISBN: 91-554-4757-0
182 Pages
$44.00 Paper Original
The aim of this study is to find out how adult immigrants with biographical experiences from Kenya orient themselves in Sweden. Taking an individual perspective (how individuals orient themselves as opposed to what the State does to deal with a group of immigrants), and by using a life (hi)story approach and reconstructing experiences on how individual adult immigrants orient themselves, this dissertation analyses the role educational and working experiences from Kenya play in the way the participants orient themselves.
The analysis takes into consideration the opportunities and constraints in Sweden, which impinges upon the participants' stories by either propagating or constricting their past experiences. An analysis of this nature contributes to gaining deeper insights into not only the role past experiences play but also the role the present Swedish structure plays.
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala Studies in Education 89
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