Protection of Coleoptera
in the Baltic Sea Region

Edited By J. Sklodowski, et al
October 2005
Warsaw Agricultural University Press
ISBN: 8372446237
240 pages, Illustrated, 7" x 9 ½"
$125.00 Hardcover

The 5th Symposium of Baltic Sea Coleopterologists, entitled "Protection of Coleoptera in the Baltic Sea Region," took place in Poland between the 8th and 11th of October 2004. Sessions were held in the "Jodowy Dwor" holiday hotel in Huta Szklana, a village in the Gory Swietokrzyski Mts. Beautifully located near the edge of the forest of the Swietokrzyski National Park.

The program included two interesting excursions. One was to Neolithic flint mines in Krzemionki Opatowskie near Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski with the added bonus of a walk along the reconstructed mine galleries. On the same day the guests were able to see the Jurassic Park in Baltow. The other trip was to xerothermal reserves near the Nida river.

Judging participants' comments, both trips, and especially the latter one, made a tremendous impression. The symposium also included a poster session and an exhibition of drawings of insects showing 36 drawings of beetles in A4 format, all made by Raimonds Cibulskis, Ph.D., of Latvia. The most significant outcome of the last symposium is the publication of the full, unreviewed proceedings, which constitute the present volume.


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