Postembryonic Development
& Polymorphism in Some Pseudoscorpions
from the Families Chthoniidae & Neobisiidae
(Pseudoscorpions, Arachnida)
By Rajko N. Dimitrijevic
December 2004
Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
ISBN: 8670780291
144 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$139.50 Paper Original
Pseudoscorpions constitute one of the main orders of the class Arachnida. In terms of the number of known species, they rank even second among arachnid arthropods. According to available data, more than 3,000 species have been described to date, and a significant number of new taxa of pseudoscorpions are established every year.
For the comparative morphologist and evolutionary biologist, pseudoscorpions would seem to constitute a relatively uniform group, one whose representatives posses certain "primitive" characteristics, such as the presence of a segmented opisthosoma. However, studies dealing with characteristics of reproduction and individual development in these arthropods reveal unexpected diversity.
Thus, for example, species exist in which complex mating dances are present, but there are also forms in which these dances are lacking. Also, a singular concern for their progeny has been established in pseudoscorpions, with feeding of embryos by the female.
Entomology; Zoology
Monographs, Volume X
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