Papacy & the New World Order
Vatican Diplomacy, Catholic Opinion & International
Politics at the Time of Leo XIII, 1878 – 1903
[In English & French]

Edited By Vincent Viaene
KADOC Studies on Religion, Culture & Society, No. 4
December 2005
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 9058675181
516 pages, Illustrated, 7” x 9 ¼”
$97.50 Paper Original

In the last quarter of the 19th century, as Western power enveloped the globe "in a fit of absence of mind", European politics became world politics. The age of imperialism coincided with the pontificate of Leo XIII. Would the papacy live up to the historical challenge implicit in this new world order and turn itself into "the Director-general of the Humanitarian forces of the world" (in the words of the Protestant journalist W.T. Stead?

The internationalization of the Catholic masses since the middle of the 19th century suggested it could. In the present volume, an international team of 20 scholars examines the triangle between Vatican diplomacy, public opinion and the international environment. They invite us to reassess the significance of Leo's pontificate: in a time when empires became more than ever the motors of globalization, the most imperial among the empires of the spirit could not fail to claim its place.

Contents include:
Introduction / Introduction
Reality and Image in the Pontificate of Leo XIII
Réalité et image sous le pontificat de Léon XIII Vincent Viaene
Part I / Partie I
The Master and the Disciples
Le Maître et les disciples
Léon XIII, Rome et le monde
Jean-Dominique Durand
La Curie romaine au temps de Léon XIII. Hommes et structures d'un gouvernement sans État
François Jankowiak
Part II / Partie II
The “Prisoner of the Vatican”?
Le “prisonnier du Vatican”?
Le pontificat de Léon XIII ou les effets indus d’une “grande politique”
Laurent Koelliker
The Central Government of the Church in the System of European Powers
Luciano Trincia
L’Italie et sa diplomatie dans les rapports avec le Saint-Siège pendant le pontificat de Léon XIII
Andrea Ciampani
On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Gladstone, Ireland and Pope Leo XIII, 1881-1885/86
Karina Urbach
Les Puissances et Léon XIII: la Russie
Rita Tolomeo
Part III / Partie III
The “Demiurge” of the Catholic World?
Le “démiurge” du monde catholique?
Catholic Congresses as Amplifiers of International Catholic Opinion
Emiel Lamberts
Le Jubilé pontifical de 1888. Un exemple de l’interaction entre Question romaine, diplomatie vaticane et dévotion de masse au pape
Jean-Marc Ticchi
Forms, Impulses and Iconography in Devotion to Pope Leo XIII
Annibale Zambarbieri
Efforts and Difficulties in Financing the Holy See by Means of Peter’s Pence. Can Ultramontanism be quantified?
Rupert Klieber
Léon XIII: “Lumen in Coelo”. Glissements de la perception dans le contexte d’un processus de modernisation religieuse
Jan De Maeyer
“Wagging the dog”: an Introduction to Vatican Press Policy in an Age of Democracy and Imperialism
Vincent Viaene
Part IV / Partie IV
The Servant of Humanity?
Le serviteur de l’humanité?
Stratégie missionnaire et grande politique sous Léon XIII. Le heurt des logiques
Claude Prudhomme
Leo XIII and the Anti-Slavery Campaign
Gianni La Bella
La campagne antiesclavagiste de Lavigerie et Léon XIII devant “l’opinion missionnaire” française
Philippe Delisle
Saint-Siège et antisémitisme durant le pontificat de Léon XIII
Giovanni Miccoli
A Diplomatic Disaster. The Exclusion of the Holy See from the 1899 Hague Peace Conference
J.P. Hans de Valk
Leo XIII and Immigrants to the Church in the United States
Gerald Fogarty
Leo XIII and the United States of America, 1898-1903
John F. Pollard
Abbreviations / Abréviations
Bibliography / Bibliographie


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