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Outlooks on Children & Media:
Child Rights, Media Trends, Media Research, Media Literacy,
Child Participation, DeclarationsBy: Cecilia von Feilitzen & Catharina Bucht
December 2001
Goteborg University
ISBN: 91-88471-09-1
177 pages, 8 ¼ x 11 ½"
$84.00 paper original
The aim this book is to give a broad outline of children and media in the world, focusing on media literacy in the manifold sense of the word. The concept of 'media literacy' has been given a great many definitions worldwide, something that is touched upon in the booklet. What we have in view here is knowledge of children and media, and efforts made to realize children's rights in this respect, not least their right to influence and participate in the media. The yearbook contains a review of recent and current international trends in media literacy including research on children and media - that is, summarizing examples of/references to research and practices, important conferences and declarations related to the area, and a selection of relevant organizations and web sites.Sociology
Media StudiesChildren and Media Violence: Yearbook 2001