Order Structures in Functional Analysis, Vol. 4
With an Appendix on Jordan Structures in Analysis

Edited By Romulus Cristescu
June 2001
Editura Academiei Romane
ISBN: 973-27-0820-4
352 pages, 6 ¾" x 9 ½"
$125.00 Hardcover

Contents include: On some linear operators and on some vector integrals, Riesz Homomorphisms. Quasi-Riesz Homomorphisms, On some functional equations in ordered vector spaces, What is chaos and why should we mind of it?, Frontal ideals and antisymmetric ideals in locally convex lattices, Complemented dyadic hardy subspaces of a dyadic hardy space either on [0,1] or on [0,8], Resolvent on locally convex spaces, Strongly modular and strongly latticial classes of regular operator.

Order Structures in Functional Analysis

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