Opuscula Atheniensia
Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens No. 28, 2003
By Brita Alroth
August 2004
Paul Astroms Forlag
ISBN: 9179160484
214 pages, Illustrated, 8 ¼" x 11 ½"
$142.50 Paper Original
Contents include: Excavations in Midea 2002, Investigations in the sanctuary of Poseidon on Kalaureia, 1997-2001, The find group pottery from the Swedish excavations at Sinda, Cyprus: significant sherds selected by Arne Furumark for his working notebook, The problem of the Greek cult epithet, Settlement activity at Late Helladic Asine in the Argolid. Book Reviews: The Goddess and the Warrior. The naked goddess and Mistress of Animals in early Greek religion by N. Marinatos, Heroenkulte in homerischer Zeit by M. Deoudi, Cyprus in the 19th century AD: fact, fancy and fiction. Papers of the 22nd British Museum Classical Colloquium, December 1998 by V. Tatton-Brown.
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