Opto-Electronic Properties of Conjugated Molecular Wires
By Ferdinand Grozema
October 2003
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2422-9
184 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2" x 9 ½"
$52.50 Paper OriginalOUT OF PRINT
This is a Ph.D. dissertation. Conjugated polymers form a class of polymers that have been studied extensively over the last two decades for possible applications in electronics. Most organic polymers are electrically insulating. Therefore, their primary use in electronics is an insulating layer around copper wires. In recent years, however, an alternative use of organic polymers has emerged. In 1977 Shirakawa, Macdiarmid and Heeger discovered that films of polyacetylene, the simplest example of a conjugated polymer, become highly conducting after oxidative doping. It was found that exposure to iodine vapor made the polyacetylene films 10 ^9 times more conductive than they are in their undoped (pristine) state. For this discovery they were awarded the Nobel-prize in Chemistry in 2000. Contents include: General introduction, Experimental techniques, Quantum Chemical Methods, the Formation and recombination Kinetics of Positively Charged MEH-PPV Chains in Solution, Positive Charge Carrier on Isolated Chains of MEH-PPV with Broken Conjugation, Hole conduction along molecular wires, Intramolecular charge transport along isolated chains of conjugated polymers, Opto-electronic properties of positively charged oligo(phenylene vinylene)s, Excited state polarizabilities of conjugated molecules, Tuning of the excited state properties of Phenylenevinylene oligomers.
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