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The Office of Saint Olav
A Study in Chant Transmission

By Eyolf Ostrem
May 2001
Uppsala University Press
ISBN: 91-554-4898-4
410 pages, illustrated
$55.00 paper original

This Ph.D. dissertation studies the various aspects of transmission of liturgy in the Medieval churches of the Nordic countries, taking its point of departure in an edition and close study of the office of St Olav, the patron saint of Norway. Topics include: The Historical Olav. Early Church Organization. From Books to Sources. Early Liturgy of St Olav. Chant texts from the Paasio Olav Office. Analysis of Chant Melodies. Reference Idiom. Modes. Other Chants. Melodic variance and Orality in Writing. Appendices. Bibliography.

Music; History; Religious History
Studia Musicologica Upsaliensis, Nova Ser., No. 18