Towards Tonality
Aspects of Baroque Music Theory
Collected Writings of the Orpheus Institute, No. 6

By Thomas Christensen, et al.
October 2007
Leuven University Press       
Distributed by
ISBN: 9789058675873          
205 pages, Illustrated, 5 7/8 x 9 3/8"
$62.50 Paper Original

This is a collection of essays based on lectures presented at the International Orpheus Academy for Music and Theory on "Historical Theory, Performance, and Meaning in Baroque Music".

The often complex connections and intersections between, e.g., modal and tonal idioms, contrapuntal and harmonic organization, were considered from various perspectives as to the transition (towards tonality) from the Renaissance to the Baroque era.

Table of Contents

Thomas Christensen
Genres of Music Theory, 1650-1750
Penelope Gouk
Science and Music, or the Science of Music: Some Little-known Examples of "Music Theory" between 1650 and 1750
Gérard Geay
L'édition de la polyphonie française du 17e siècle
Susan McClary
Towards a History of Harmonic Tonality
Markus Jans
Towards a History of the Origin and Development of the Rule of the Octave
Joel Lester
Thoroughbass as a Path to Composition in the Early Eighteenth Century
Marc Vanscheeuwijck
Giovanni Paolo Colonna and Petronio Franceschini: Building Acoustics and Compositional Style in Late Seventeenth-Century Bologna

Music History

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