Sustainable Resource Management
2 volume set
Edited By K.K. Singh, et al
October 2007
MD Publications
Distributed by
ISBN: 9788190455107
569 pages, 5 3/4 x 8 3/4"
$122.50 Hardcover
This reference book aims to provide a general framework to ensure sustainable management of natural resources in order to improve quality of life as well as living standards. It contains chapters on various facets of natural resources such as biodiversity, municipal waste water, bioremediation, probiotics, phosphorus pollution, water pollution, fly ash, biosurfactants, paper and pulp waste water, urban wastes, radioactive wastes and municipal solid wastes and environment and tourism. This book presents an upto date and comprehensive account of the important existing and potential natural resources. It considers each major resource in terms of its value to all living beings, exploitation and degradation and finally it can be restored and managed. The book contains 19 chapters. It has been divided into two volumes.
Resource Management
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