Shaping Urban Identity in Late Medieval Europe
(English & French languages)
Edited by Marc Boone & Peter Stabel
May 2000
Garant Publishers
Distributed by
ISBN: 9044110926
280 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/4 x 9 1/2"
$59.50 Paper Original
About the book:
People not only determine how their surroundings look like, they are themselves determined by the space they live in and the archirecture that surrounds them. This book wants to explore how this delicate interaction was developed and experienced in the late medieval city both in northwestern Europe and in Mediterranean Europe. Space and surroundings helped to shape the identity of cities and of townsfolk alike. But the medieval city was not only a unitary space, marking the collective identity of the community, it was as much a collection of spaces, which were used for different purposes and by different social actors. Various contributions deal with the economic infrastructure of markets and streets, with the organisation of political and religious display, with the location of military power and industrial activity in the urban landscape, with social and juridical space (town squares, town halls, courts of law, belfries), and with the geography of poverty and networks of solidarity among marginal groups in urban society. This confrontation of unity and disparity in urban landscapes shaped urban identity.Contents:
The spaces of Late Medieval Urbanity -Espaces publics dans les villes flamandes au moyen age -The Market-Place and Civic Identity in Late Medieval Flanders -L' apparition d'une identité urbaine dans les villes de commune de France du Nord aux XIle et X111e siecles -Cultures et contrecultures: a propos des logiques spatiales et I'espace public vénitien -Revival or Renewal: Defining Civic Identity in Fifteenth-Century Siena -Workshops and the Town. Artisans and Places of Work in Verona (15th Century) -The Significance of Citadels in North Italian Cities in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance -La Fête des mendiants: fictions et réalités au bas Moyen Age -Crosses, Conduits and Other Street Fumiture in the South West of England -Urban Colonisation in England and Wales in the Later Middle Ages -Contributions to the Study of the Portuguese Urban Elites -The Urban Oligarchy's Affairs in the Govemment of Castilian Towns in the Late Middle Ages.
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