Proteomics in Cancer Research
Methods & Applications of Proteinchip Arrays
Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, No. 414
By Bart Landuyt
December 2007
Leuven University Press
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789058676580
156 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/8 x 9 1/2"
$125.00 Paper Original
Chapter 1:Introduction 1.1 Proteomics in cancer research
1.1.1 Proteins for the diagnosis of cancer
1.1.2 Proteins for the prognostication of cancer
1.1.3 Proteins as targets in cancer treatment
1.2 Technology for proteomic analysis
1.2.1 General introduction
1.2.2 Protein and peptide separation
1.2.3 Mass spectrometry for proteomic analysis
1.2.4 Data analysis in proteomic analysis
1.2.5 Current proteomic research strategies
1.2.6 Differential clinical proteomics: major points of concern
1.2.7 concluding remarks/> 1.3 Rationale and aims of the study
1.3.1 Analysis of VEGF proteins
1.3.2 Analysis of differential protein expression in GISTsChapter 2:Materials and methods 2.1 Proteomics in cancer research
2.1.1 Tissues
2.1.2 Preparation of tissue extracts
2.1.3 Antibodies
2.1.4 ProteinChip immunocapture
2.1.6 Carbolink immuno affinity chromatography
2.2 Analysis of VEGF proteins
2.2.1 Buffers and solutions
2.2.2 Tissues
2.2.3 Preparation of tissue extracts
2.2.4 ProteinChip retention chromatography
2.2.6 Data processing and statistical analysis
2.2.7 SDS PAGE and in gel digestion
2.2.8 LC-ESI QTOF MS/MS of tryptic peptides
2.2.9 Western blotChapter 3: Results 3.1 ProteinChip methods for tissue proteomics
3.2 Analysis of VEGF protein varieties
3.2.1 VEGF-A protein isoforms in NSCLC and non-neoplastic lung tissue
3.2.2 VEGF-A protein isoforms in other tumors
3.2.3 Circulating VEGF-A isoforms in cancer patients and healthy volunteers
3.2.4 Development of a (semi) quantitative VEGF-C ProteinChip assay
3.3 Analysis of differential protein expression in GISTs
3.3.1 Statistically significant differences in protein expression
3.3.2 Principal components
3.3.3 Protein identification
3.3.4 Western blot analysisChapter 4: Conclusions and Discussion 4.1 Biomedical conclusions
4.1.1 VEGV in cancer and normal physiology
4.1.2 Differential protein expression in GISTs
4.2 Technological conclusionss
4.2.1 ProteinChip methods for tissue proteomics
4.2.2 ProteinChip immunocapture
4.2.3 ProteinChip differential protein profiling
4.2.4 Perspectives
4.3 General conclusionsReferences
curriculum vitae
Medical Science; Oncology