Peter: Apocalyptic Seer

The Influence of the Apocalyptic Genre on Matthew's Portrayal of Peter
Wissenschafttliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. No. 348

By John R. Markley
September 2013
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed By
ISBN: 9783161524639                        
300 pages
$159.50 Paper original

John R. Markley is in this study that the typical representation of the apocalyptic seer, which he reconstructed by the analysis of fourteen Jewish and Christian apocalypses, shaped the image of Peter Matthew had. This influence of the genre of apocalypse comes when Matthew's Peter both indirectly (through Matthew's use of Mark's source and the sayings source Q) and directly (through Matthew's editors and its special property) to bear. This suggests that Matthew Peter is also known as an apocalyptic seer who was selected to receive secret teachings of Jesus and those who were taught by him. In other words, Matthew Peter understood primarily as a revelation receiver, analogous to the seers, which were described in the apocalypses at the time of the Second Temple. Markley said that these conclusions draw a comprehensive revision of the prevailing scientific assessment of the Matthean Peter to himself that keeps him mainly for an exemplary disciple.


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