On the Origins of Urban Development
Programmes in Nine European Countries
UGIS Collection, Number 2
Edited by Pascal de Decker, et al.
September 2003
Distributed by
ISBN: 9044113798
195 pages, 6 1/4 x 9 1/2"
$52.50 Paper Original
UGIS is the acronym of the international research project "Urban Governance, Social Inclusion and Sustainability." The project is a part of Key Action 4 "City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage" which forms part of the programme "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" within the Fifth Framework Programme of the EU. The project started in April 2000 and is due to be completed in March 2003. The project is co-ordinated by Prof. dr. Jan Vranken, head of research group OASeS from the University of Antwerp and supported by a group of partners from Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.The UGIS project has three main objectives. The first is to analyse the impact of urban development programmes on promoting social inclusion and urban sustainability. A second concerns emerging forms of governance and whether these have shaped the characteristics of UDPs, their definition, their implementation and their successes and failures. A feedback loop is also included in the analytical model referring to possible effects of UDPs on forms of urban governance.
In this second publication and the appetiser of the UGIS research project, we look for the roots of urban development programmes in the nine participating countries.
Chpater 1. Enforced by the Electorate: The Rise of an Urban Policy in Flanders, Belgium
Chapter 2. From Slum Clearance and Housing Renewal to Networking and Area-Based Approaches:
On the Origins of Contemporary Danish Urban Development Programmes
Chapter 3. La Politique de la Ville: Towards a More Integrated Urban Governance in France
Chapter 4. The Emergency of Poverty, Urban Distressed Areas, and Urban Policies in Germany
Chapter 5. New Housing and Urban Politics Under Privatisation and Decentralisation in Hungary
Chapter 6. Urban Development Programmes in Italy: National Institutional Innovation and European Programmes
Chapter 7. Urban Policys in the Netherlands
Chapter 8. Bottoms-up? Grassroot Initiatives and Urban Governance in Madrid and Barcelona
Chapter 9. Urban Development Programmes in a Scandinavian Welfare State:
A Top-Down Appraoch to Bottom-Up Planning?
Concluding Comments: On Convergence and Divergence
Urban Development
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