Molecular Signaling in Photodynamic Therapy
Cell Death Mechanisms & Gene Expression Analysis
Acta Biomedical Lovaniensia No. 381

By Esther Buytaert
May 2007
Leuven University Press
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9789058675880
144 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/4 x 9 1/2"
$97.50 Paper Original

Chapter 1: General introduction

1. Photodynamic therapy
2. Programmed cell death

Chapter 2: Aims and outline of the study

Chapter 3: Materials and methods

1. Materials
2. Methods

Chapter 4: Molecular cell death mechanisms in hypericin-pdt

1. Introduction
2. Results
3. Conclusions and significance

Chapter 5: Gene expression analysis of hypericin-pdt induced responses in bladder cancer cells

1. Introduction
2. Results
3. Conclusions and significance

Chapter 6: General discussion and perspectives

1. Molecular cell death mechanisms in hypericin-pdt
2. Gene expression analysis of hypericin-pdt induced responses in bladder cancer cells


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