Jewish Holidays: Precursor to Redemption

By Rabbi Yosef Gabay
December 2011
Urim Publications
Distributed by

ISBN: 9781934440421
208 pages

$24.95 Hardcover

The Jewish Holidays - Precursor to Redemption will fascinate the reader with challenging concepts written in an essay format presented for each Jewish holiday, Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh. Rabbi Yosef Gabay explains that, in our intricate relationship with God, man's essence is mostly defined by his deeds rather than by his theoretical knowledge. What can each of us do to hasten redemption?

King David writes: tenu oz le Elokim, give power to God. How can Israel grant might to God? It is by infusing into our daily pursuits the sanctity of Shabbat and of the Jewish Holidays. Creation was intended for a holy purpose and man must live up to this objective. When the People of Israel celebrate a Jewish holiday, it is not merely to commemorate a recurring historical event. Rather, it is also to perform a specific tikkun, spiritual betterment to the cosmic world at large, and to the well-being of the Jewish People.


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