Jesus und die Steuerfrage

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament
No. 294


By Niclas Forster
December 2012
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed By
ISBN: 9783161518416                           
418 pages
$227.50 Hardcover

Since the revolt of Judas of Galilee in year 6 AD, the Jewish-Roman conflict manifested mainly in the rejection of the Roman tax assets. In this context, the study gives to Jesus' answer to the tax question historically sound momentum for a political reading of New Testament texts. Niclas forester contextualizes the synoptic Zinsgroschenperikope in the historical and political context of their time. In the interpretation of this source material previously unberücksichtigtem exegetical broken new ground. Archaeological evidence will be used as coins and papyrus finds, hitherto little explored Qumran texts as well as a new source of patristic (with scientific first edition), the Insights into the Münzboykott Jewish insurgents. Furthermore, the history of the reception of the word of interest Grosch of possible adaptation in Romans 13.6 to 7 up to the Gospel of Thomas and P. Egerton 2 is studied.



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