Fashion Technology & Management

By Parul Gupta
April 2008
MD Publications
Distributed by
ISBN: 9788175331228
304 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/4 x 8 3/4"
$52.50 Hardcover

Fashion deals with a world of illusion on the one hand and a hard-bitten,multifacted and multi-billion pound industry on the other.This stimulating book clarifies how fashion operates on all its level:the mystery of haute couture is explained,the complexities of ready to wear are simplified,and the power of mass production is assessed and evaluated.Fashion terms,their use and meaning are explained in plain words and the complicated stages of design,manufacture and distribution are described in detail. This book takes students on an inspiring tour of the dynamic world of fashion design.Replete with fashion techniques and facts about the history and the future of fashion,it even shows readers how to get started now.Every follower of fashion,whether at college or in big business,will welcome the information presented in this book.

Fashion; Technology

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