Encyclopedia of Jewish Life & Thought
2nd Revised Edition
Edited by Chaim Pearl, et al.
May 1996
Carta, Israel
Distributed By Coronet Books
ISBN: 9652202320
568 pages, Illustrated, 9 1/8 x 12 1/8"
$59.95 Hardcover
One of the most comprehensive works of its kind and this newest work embraces Judaism in all its aspects, Jewish History, Jewish Communities in all the lands where they live or lived, literature, art, sociology, the biographies of every significant personality, the Diaspora, Zionism and Israel.
Nothing of significance has been omitted. The vast scope of this work, compiled by a team of distinguished scholars and edited by Dr. Chaim Pearl, has been condensed into one handy volume with over 1,700 articles, profusely illustrated. It is a quick reference source which every scholar needs near his desk; a useful tool for the student; and it serves as an authoritative and interesting guide for everyone who seeks to learn more about the rich four-thousand-year heritage of the Jewish people.
Religion; History; Reference
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