Educational Research in Europe

Yearbook 2001

Edited by Christopher Day and Dolf van Veen
May 2005
Distributed by
ISBN: 9044112031
432 pages, 6 ¼ x 9 ½"
$79.50 Paper Original

Yearbook 2001 - Educational Research in Europe, the second yearbook of the European Educational Research Association (EERA), contains a selection of twenty research papers from twelve countries. This volume is organised into five sections: values in education, teacher education; teachers, learning and children and youth at risk. Collectively, the papers provide a unique series of snapshots of high quality investigations of key issues and concerns in policy and practice which is of relevance to educators in all countries.

This study provides new inputs to the debate and practice of foster care. It extracts lessons from countries that represent different kinds of economic and social development. Material is included on foster care experiences in developing countries, which tends to be informal and undocumented. Foster care is examined in the context of the family, social networks, the state and non-governmental organisations The discussion is set against the backdrop of international human development, in which the notion of empowerment of all stakeholders is prominent. A fundamental argument here is that foster care is best seen in the wider context of measures to protect children and to help them develop.

Part 1. Values in Education

Education for Citizenship: Discourses and Practices
The Making of Citizenship in the National Curriculum, England: Issues and Challenges
Croatia Above All: Values/Messages in Croatian Elementary School Curriculum
Aspects of the Disciplinary Constitution of Sciences of Education:
     The'Prototype' of the Institut Jean-Jacques Roussea in Geneva

Part 2. Teacher Education
The Lives of Student Teachers
Theory and its Status in the Professional Dissertations by Teachers
Research by Student Teachers
How Taking on the Role of Researcher Affected Student Teachers' Perceptions of Their Practice
What to do about Intercultural Education in Teacher Education: A Dutch Study

Part 3. Teachers
The School Teacher: A Universal Social Construct?
Analysing Teaching and Learning Interactions in a Networked Collaborative
     Learning Environment: Issues and Work in Progress
Analysing Headteachers' Stories: Content, Form and Structure
Building Relationships with Parents: Lessons in Time and Space from Two Research Projects

Part 4. Learning
A World of Difference? Pupil Perspectives on Learning, Schooling and
     Achievement in England, France and Denmark
Learning in the Middle Years
Living by Words and Pictures: On Interaction between
     Verbal and Visual Representation in Illustrated Fiction for Children
Fundamental Factors of Influence on the Literacy Performance of
     Older Adults and their Functioning in Society

Part 5. Youth at Risk
Students' Basic Strategies for Handling Conflicts - A Study of Grade 8 Students in Sweden
Components of Social COmpetence in Bullies, Victims and Prosocial Children
Comparing Violence in Schools in France and England: Elements of Methodology and Preliminary Results


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