Beyond the Nation State
Human Rights in Times of Globalization
Edited By Michael Windfuhr
July 2005
Global Publications Foundation, SWEDEN
Distributed By
ISBN: 919737394X
277 pages, 5 7/8 x 8 5/8"
$89.50 Paper Original
Human Rights have become one of the central reference points for national and international politics. They are essential for any meaningful strategy aimed at holding governments accountable to internationally agreed minimum standards of state behavior.
This book analyses the different forms of involvement of multilateral institutions in the promotion and protection of all human rights, with a focus on economic, social and cultural rights. It brings together the analyses of experts from different regions of the world and with different backgrounds.
Amongst them are leading human rights academics, experts working in international human rights organizations and practitioners working in multilateral institutions. The contributions give an overview over the ground covered in the last years in the mainstreaming of human rights in the work of multilateral institutions.
Political Science
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