Another Disability Studies Reader?
Peoople With Learning Disabilities & a Disabling World
Edited by Dan Goodley and Geert Van Hove
October 2005
Distributed by
ISBN: 9044114751
203 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¼ x 9 ½"
$52.50 Paper Original
Another Disability Reader? People with Learning Difficulties and a Disabling World engages with the arenas of disability studies and the life worlds of people with learning difficulties. This text brings together a number of writing by and with people with 'learning difficulties' (aka 'learning disabilities', 'intellectual impairment', 'development disability', 'intellectual disability', 'mental retardation').
The contributions to this book develop ways in which disability studies support and understand people with learning difficulties as resistant human beings in a disabling society.
Chapter 1. Disability Studies, People with Learning Difficulties, and Inclusion
Chapter 2. This Is What We Think
Chapter 3. Community Living for Older People: A Social Comparison Study
Chapter 4. The Peer Groups of Children with Learning Impairments
Chapter 5. Apple Tree of Knowledge: Activist Tales as Theoretical Discourse
Chapter 6. My Brother as Other: The Construct of Identity in Rain Man,
What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and The Other Sister
Chapter 7. Embodied Narratives: Control, Regulation and Bodily Resistance
in the Life Course of Women with Learning Difficulties
Chapter 8. Tales from the Pub: Narrative, Fiction and the Construction of Difference
Chapter 9. My Life, My Work, and My Self-Advocacy
Chapter 10. Disability Studies: About Relationships, Power and Knowing as a Form of Participation
Disability Studies
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