Ancient Philosophy
By D.M. Singh
September 2011
MD Publications
Distributed by
ISBN: 9788175333383
280 pages
$36.50 Paper original
The tradition of ancient philosophy is a long, rich and varied one, in which a constant note is that of discussion and argument. Method in Ancient Philosophy brings together on a broad subject of central importance. It is characteristic of human beings that they direct their activities by reasoning, but methods of reasoning, even towards the same ends, vary. The views of the ancient Greeks have had considerable influence upon our own assumptions about the demarcations between different kinds of enquiry and the sorts of methods that are appropriate for them. This book aims to introduce readers to some ancient debates and to get them to engage with the ancient developments of some themes. The book aims to give readers a sense of the freshness and liveliness of ancient philosophy, and of its wide variety of themes and styles.
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