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Na+ Reabsorption and Cl- Secretion Across Cultured Renal Epithelia (A6)
Effects Of Hypotonicity and External CationsBy Danny Jans
December 2001
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-173-9
153 pages, illustrated
$57.50 paper original
Contents: Introduction. Epithelia. Sodium Reabsorption. EnaC. The working model. Aims of the study. Materials and methods. Cell Culture. Solutions. Short-circuit Current. Transepithelial Conductance. Transepithelial Capacitance. Cell Volume Measurements. Noise Analysis. Intracellular Calcium. ATP Bioluminescence Assay. RT-PCR Analysis. Results and Discussion. Sodium Reabsorption. Phenomenological Behavior. Effects of Hyposmolality on Membrane Surface Area. Extracellular Cationic Messengers. Anion Dependency. Chloride Secretion. Hypotonicity. Divalent Cations. General Discussion. Summary.Hepatology; Medical Science
Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, No. 245