Nyaya Sutras of Gotama
Translated from Sanskrit By Satis Chandra Vidyabhusana
December 2003, Reprint of 1913 Edition
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 81-215-1096-1
262 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ¾"
$37.50 Hardcover
The Nyaya Sutra of Gotama is an important treatise on Indian logic and is regarded as the earliest work of Nyaya philosophy. Written in the aphoristic style, it is believed to have been comprised by Gotama, Gautama or Aksapada who is also considered to be the founder of the Nyaya system of philosophy. That the Nyaya Sutra was an important work is also evident from the numerous commentaries on the texts which were written throughout the centuries. The Nyaya Sutra is divided into five blocks, each containing two chapters called ahnikas or Diurnal portions.
Originally, this system only propounded the rational system of philosophy as means of valid knowledge, entirely shown of scriptural dogmas. In course of time however, this system of philosophy also recognized and assimilated the other systems of philosophy such as the Vaisesika, Yoga, Mimamsa, Samkhya, etc. In the present translation of the Nyaya Sutras of Gotama, Mhamahopadhyaya Satiisa Chandra Vidyabhusana has not only given an accurate rendering of this difficult text, but has also defined each term along with detailed explanation of the meaning underlying them in modern parlance. Apart from the translation, the present edition also contains a detailed introduction in which is given an account of the historical background of the text and its author, an alphabetical index to the Sutras, an index of words in English and a word index to the Nyaya Sutras, thus enhancing its value for the scholars interested in the subject.
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