Neutron Activation Analysis of
Inhomogeneous Large Samples

By Hendrik Willem Baas
December 2004
Delft University Press
ISBN: 9040725284
174 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$75.00 Paper Original


This is a Ph.D. dissertation. The aim of the work described in this thesis is the development of a reconstruction method for the determination of spatial element distributions using Large-Sample Neutron Activation Analysis. For a proper introduction to this field of research, first the principles of Neutron Activation Analysis are described.

Secondly, Large-Sample Neutron Activation Analysis is summarized. This is followed by the scope of the thesis and an overview of its contents.

Contents include: Reconstruction of element distributions in neutron activated inhomogeneous large samples, Introduction, Sampling, homogeneity and representativity, Reconstruction of element distributions in neutron activated inhomogeneous large samples, 3D-modeling of the GE detector full-energy peak efficiency for measurements of the spatial radioactivity distributions, Optimisation of the LS-INAA measurement facility for scanned measurements, Detection of inhomogeneities via collimated scanning, Gamma-ray attenuation assessment, Reconstruction Algorithms for analysis of element distributions in neutron-activated inhomogeneous large samples, REDNAILS: application with prior knowledge to samples of practical interest, General discussion.

Nuclear Physics

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