Natural Mineral Forms
Exhibit in Fersman Mineralogical Museum,
Russian Academy of Science

By Jordan Jordanov
December 2003
Ocean Pictures Ltd.
ISBN: 5900395472
64 pages, Illustrated, 8 ¾" x 11 ½"
Color plates.
$125.00 Paper Original

The book involves systematization and description of various mineral forms known in nature. This is the first published well-illustrated course that tracks the evolution of the crystal perfect-ness over the wide range of mineralization conditions. It proceeds from almost ideal crystals to highly defective ones, which can be rightly identified as both individual forms and aggregates.

Regularly and irregularly formed aggregates of minerals are also considered. The comparison the mineral forms crystallizing in fluid (gas, liquid), viscous (melt), and solid (rock) media is of great interest. The book is addressed to a wide scope of readers: experts, students, and amateur mineralogists.

1. Forms crystallizing in low-viscosity media (solutions, gases): INDIVIDS: Crystals--fully faced, skeletal, fibrous, spherical; partially crystallized minerals; globular individs (inclusing X-ray amorphous). MINERAL AGGREGATES--intergrowths. SMALL MINERAL BODIES--crystallization and diffusion types. Secretions. Nests. Halopen bodies. Bodies limited by a plane; by two planes.
2. Forms of mineral crystallization in viscous and solida media.
3. Destruction of mineral forms.
Conclusion. References.


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